Submit your blog to fade and the search engines manually.
Some of the search engines that will be shown below, you can register for free, while some longer version is paying.
The following 50 Searh engine you can use to enter information about your blog.
No. | Nama Search Engine | No. | Nama Serch Engine |
1 | Yahoo! Search | 26 | WebbieWorld |
2 | 27 | Arakne Links | |
3 | Live Search | 28 | Link Centre |
4 | Wikia Search | 29 | Pedsters Planet |
5 | Open Directory | 30 | SonicRun |
6 | Cuil | 31 | Anaximander |
7 | Exalead | 32 | Info Tiger |
8 | MavicaNet | 33 | Dramba |
9 | GigaBlast | 34 | Zeezo |
10 | ScrubTheWeb | 35 | Thales Directory |
11 | What U Seek | 36 | Directory Storm |
12 | World Site Index | 37 | A1 Web Directory |
13 | BusinessSeek | 38 | Burf |
14 | ExactSeek | 39 | NetInsert |
15 | EntireWeb | 40 | Web Linker |
16 | SearchMe | 41 | Finest 4 |
17 | IllumiRate | 42 | Cipinet |
18 | 01WebDirectory | 43 | Klottra |
19 | Amfibi | 44 | My Directory Live |
20 | Wikidweb | 45 | FreshTV |
21 | SearchSight | 46 | ABD |
22 | AMRAY | 47 | SEagency |
23 | Info Listings | 48 | Nonar |
24 | Domaining | 49 | The Living Link |
25 | Amidalla | 50 | Clickey |